and surprised me a stalk of rose to cheer me up
when i was muuuugging for Geography yesterday.
It's so pretty, Super aaaaaaw! :]

and i found it so sweet and cute!
I couldn't sleep till like 5am last night,
Tossing/turning in bed,
I told mummy and she said it's because i'm too stressed. ):
I think i used my brains too much or sth,
Seems like it can't stop functioning or sth,
And i keep re-capping what i've been mugging the whole night!
- T = Transport
- E = Energy
- L = Land
- L = Labour
- C = Capital
- M = Market
- G = Government
- R = Raw Material
Like, Pu-lease luh! STOP REPEATING IN MY HEAD!
But i'm like a super last minute person,
Like, i can get these all in my head
when i studied like one day before the exam,
But there's a high chance,
When you ask me to start remembering
all these crap like 1month ago, I won't.
Okay, So i got boyf & my cheena pok
to give me a morning call this morning!
I was like super worried that i might
wake up at like 12plus, as usual.
And i won't have enough time to do some last minute revision.
So i woke up at like 1030am, but instead of doing revision,
I ended up shopping online! (I know, WTH!)

And i bought this, "Indelible Waterproof Gel Eyeliner"
They said that it's better than fluidline from MAC
(Which i'm using now!)
So i wanna try! :D
And so, 100bucks fly awaaaaaay!
Byebye Cash. $
And yay, Torrid spree loot's arriveeeed,
& I'm picking it up from the spree organizer's place tmr!
Everyone spree organizer should allow self-collection man,
I could save sooooo much on registered mail,
Cos i've actually lost 2 items by normal mail on separate occasions.
So i don't dare to use normal mail anymore.
Coach's wristlet on the way to Singapore,
La Senza's in the mail on it's way to meeeee.
Triple yay! :D
Okay so the mainpoint is, GEOGRAPHY PAPER!
It's pretty easy to me, but i totally fucked up!
Question 1 is Map Reading
Question 2 is this Graph about Rice Yields in 3 countries, Aero/hydro-phonics.
Question 3 is about Development.
Development's the chapter i studied &know EVERYTHING ABT!
I was so so so blur, or stupid, whatever you say.
That i thought i had to do all 3 questions!
But infact, i just had to pick on question between Qn 2 & Qn 3.
I was just completing half part of Qn3 when i just realise,
i was just suppose to do one!
When i say half part of Qn 3, i mean one full page for just the half part.
And so, I fucked up and wasted my time
on a effing damn RICE fucking qn.
I'm so pissed with myself!
Like, i knew all my points and facts that'll make me score for qn 3,
and i fucking screwed up! ):
And i proceeded to Qn 5, Development too,
And wrote a full page, my handwriting is like total crap.
I hope the BoGeh, Blondie-wig Ahma in Cambridge
and forgive me for my horrible scribbling. Pleeeeease! ):
I was just looking through some of
my photo albums when i was a baby/kid
Because boyf said he wanna look at them,
I had like SO many pictures of myself as a kid can.
My mummy gave birth to a natural cam-whore baby!
And i saw really funny things that makes me wanna laugh!
The kiddy-versions of all my childhood church friends,
I really should take a youth-version of us now.
It's just so weird/funny to see to kid version!
And my performing in Kindergarden,
Wearing this teenie weenie bikini, shaking &dancing (Damn Vain!)
in those hawaii straw skirts in the midst of other little girls.
I should really scan some of the pictures and upload them some day!
it's really nice seeing kiddy version of me being so smiley.
I wish i could be smiley as how i used to be, in those pictures.
If one day i do HAVE a kid, Which i actually, won't want.
(you guys shd know how much i hate kids.)
I wish for a smiley, camera loving kid! :D
Anyway, I'm selling a MAC Fluidline gel eyeliner for a friend,
It's been lightly tested, just once.
But she felt that it wasn't suitable for her, thus she's selling.
It's only been dabbed light once, so she's selling at 25SGD
Whereas you get it at MAC at 28SGD.
Anw, I'm using MAC's Fluidline too,
Personal favourite. Have been using like for 1year,
One pot of these can last you for a long long time!
MAC Fluidline gel eyeliner, BlackTrack (Black) , 25SGD.
Click here for colour swatch.
Interested/any enquires,
Please contact Janice @
She won't bite! :D
04:26am now, Goodnight.
Loves and please tag! :]